Mirelez Wellness Dental is a full-service family and general dental practice. We can address any dental need including total smile makeovers. If you are considering a smile makeover, you may be wondering whether to do it all at once or one procedure at a time over an extended period. Here are some factors to examine: […]
Sedation Dentistry
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

There are numerous misconceptions about conscious sedation. Let’s set the record straight about an important dental service. Myth #1: With Sedation Dentistry, You Are Completely Unconscious Some uneasy dental patients are not only afraid of receiving treatment; they also fear the thought of not being in control. At Mirelez Wellness Dental, we offer different levels of sedation, […]
You Won’t Be Out Cold (Unless You Want To Be!)

Does your heart start pounding at the slightest thought of having a cavity filled? Do you get sweaty palms when you pass a dental practice? Many men and women who have improved their smile with cosmetic dentistry or underwent extensive restoration procedures chose to use sedation. Though the terms ‘sleep dentistry’ and ‘oral conscious sedation’ […]
Help Me, I’m Afraid Of The Dentist!

If you are afraid of your dentist, you are not alone. At Mirelez Wellness Dental, we encounter many nervous dental patients. How do we calm their fears, provide a comfortable dental environment, and earn lifelong patients? 1) We carefully explain the findings of the initial dental examination and thoroughly outline any recommended treatment. The consultation […]
Just Chill

There are lots of people whose stress levels begin to rise whenever its time for their next dental checkup. Some are even inclined to skip the dentist altogether, but with sedation dentistry from Mirelez Wellness Dental in Fresno CA it doesn’t have to be that way. Trust us: skipping the dentist due to anxiety is […]
Don’t Let Fear Of The Dentist Compromise Your Oral Health

If you have claustrophobia, you avoid enclosed spaces. If you have arachnophobia, you stay away from spiders. Fair enough! But if you fear the dentist, you may be inclined to avoid checkups. At Mirelez Wellness Dental in Fresno CA, we know this is a bad idea. The connection between your dental health and overall health […]
Keeping Patients Calm Since 2003

If you tense up just thinking about going to the dentist, you may benefit from sedation dentistry offered by Mirelez Wellness Dental in Fresno CA. Millions of Americans stress out when they have to see the dentist. It is referred to as dental anxiety. There is a more severe form, too, called dental phobia. In […]
Overcome Dental Phobia And Achieve A Beautiful Smile

For millions of people, the mere thought of going to the dentist sends their anxiety level through the roof. This emotion can range from anxiety to outright phobia, and can be so intense that some people avoid the dentist entirely. At Mirelez Wellness Dental in Fresno, we can help with sedation dentistry. To be blunt, […]
Relieving Your Dental Anxiety At Mirelez Wellness Dental

If you tense up just thinking about going to the dentist, you may benefit from sedation dentistry offered by Mirelez Wellness Dental in Fresno. Millions of Americans stress out when they have to see the dentist. It is referred to as dental anxiety. There is a more severe form, too, called dental phobia. In both, […]
Let Us Ease Your Dental Anxiety

If you tense up just thinking about going to the dentist, you may benefit from sedation dentistry offered by Mirelez Wellness Dental in Fresno. Millions of Americans stress out when they have to see the dentist. It is referred to as dental anxiety. There is a more severe form, too, called dental phobia. In both, […]